
The Arkansas Academy of Chemical Engineers (AAChE) is a self-supporting organization, funded by contributions made by its members. Per the organization’s bylaws, each Active Member is requested to make a minimum annual contribution of $350. Alternatively, Active Members can make a one-time, lifetime contribution equal to sixteen times the annual contribution.

Annual contributions should be made to the University of Arkansas Foundation either online or by check. Instructions can be found below.



Old Main, fall 2021
AAChE Inaugural Class, April 8, 2005

Giving Options

Credit Card

Payment by credit card may be processed online at

AAChE Membership Contributions

In the “Fund Designation” field, use the dropdown menu to select “Other.” In the “Please designate gift below” field enter “Arkansas Academy of Chemical Engineers – #30009091.”

Giving to the Arkansas Alumni Chemical Engineering Endowed Fund

In the “Fund Designation” field, use the dropdown menu to select “Other.” In the “Please designate gift below” field enter “Arkansas Alumni Chemical Engineering Endowed Fund.”


Please make checks payable to “University of Arkansas Foundation” and send them directly to the department.

Ralph E. Martin Department of Chemical Engineering
Attn: Fiscal Manager
University of Arkansas
3202 Bell Engineering Center
800 West Dickson Street
Fayetteville, AR 72701-1201

Contact Information

If you have questions about your annual contribution or would like to inquire about your past contributions, please contact the Ralph E. Martin Department of Chemical Engineering.




Matching Gifts

To find out if your company participates in a Matching Gift Program which could increase your gift, please visit the university’s online database of matching gift companies.

University of Arkansas Matching Gift Program