Charles Springer
BSChE University of Iowa
MSChE University of Iowa
PhD University of Iowa
Dr. Springer became assistant professor of chemical engineering in 1965, associate professor in 1969, and professor in 1976. Over his twenty-three years at the University of Arkansas, Springer taught numerous undergraduate and graduate courses, including classes on heat transfer, corrosion, and safety, plus various laboratories. His major area of research was the mitigation of environmental hazards. Among his published works were Safety, Health, and Loss Prevention in the Chemical Process Industries (coauthored with J. Reed Welker, with whom Springer delivered over fifty National Science Foundation-sponsored short courses on teaching process safety.) A colleague who worked with Springer for fifteen years remembered: “I think Charlie Springer, of all of us, was the best engineer….You could go to him with a problem, and Charlie could figure it out. I think he was most probably the best engineer on getting things done and how to make things work that we had on the faculty.” Springer was famous for the coffee he made for the department. Invariably prepared by the time most other faculty members arrived at the office, it has been referred to as “the most invigorating coffee ever brewed.” Springer retired in 1993 to “become a gentleman farmer in Hogeye.”
Arkansas Academy of Chemical Engineers Honorary Member, 2007.