Kay Watson Tait
Wesley, AR; Dallas, TX; Plano, TX
BSChE 1983
MBA 1984, Southern Methodist University
After finishing her graduate degree, Ms. Tait went to work for Celanese Chemicals as a regional sales representative. Through ever increasing duties and authority, she became South East Asia Sales Manager, having sales and strategic development responsibilities for Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, and Thailand. In 1992, Tait became Director of North American Accounts over sales and strategic direction for North American Distributors. In 1997, Tait was named the Commercial Manager for Acetyl Derivatives, in charge of global marketing and supply chain planning. In 2001, she took her present position of Supply Chain Planning Manager for Basic Chemicals. In this role, Tait is responsible for global production planning and scheduling, distribution and logistics asset planning, raw material planning, and inventory management. UA College of Engineering Distinguished Alumni Award, 2005.
Arkansas Academy of Chemical Engineers inaugural induction, 2005.