Michael D. Burns
El Dorado, AR; Clear Lake City, TX; Chesterfield, MO; Brussels, Belgium; Fairfield, CA
BSChE 1964
MS Oklahoma State University
PhD Oklahoma State University
Following his graduate studies at Oklahoma State University, Dr. Burns joined Monsanto at their Petrochemical Technology
Center in Texas City, TX. His career with Monsanto spanned twenty-eight years and included various management assignments.
He was involved with process development, plant operations, technology licensing, and a number of U.S. and ex-U.S.
plant start-ups. During his last ten years with Monsanto, Burns played a major role in the development and commercialization
of Monsanto’s first biotechnology product. This included a six year assignment in Brussels with responsibility for the world-wide manufacture and supply of this new product from Europe. In 1996, Burns joined Genentech Inc. as director of manufacturing for their new biotechnology facility being constructed at Vacaville, CA. In four years he successfully staffed, started-up, received regulatory approvals, and produced four monoclonal antibody products, including three major cancer treatment drugs. Following this assignment, Burns held Genentech positions as director of strategic plans, director of contract manufacturing, and director of technology. Burns retired from Genentech in 2007; his wife, Ellen, continues to practice law in Napa, CA. They reside in Fairfield, CA.
Arkansas Academy of Chemical Engineers, 2008