Robert K. (Bob) Poag, BSChE 1983, MSChE 1984, PhD 1987, 2023 Inductee

Bob joined C. F. Picou Associates in Baton Rouge, LA, after completing his PhD. There he began a career implementing process control applications for a wide variety of processes in refineries, chemical plants, and polymer plants in the U.S. and abroad. In 1997, he moved to Osceola, AR, and established R. K. Poag, P. A., as a professional corporation. There he has continued his work as a private consultant to the present time. 

Over the course of his career, Bob has gained a reputation as an expert in the field of advanced process control and his experience and expertise cover a variety of process control hardware and software systems as well as virtually all phases of process control system implementation.  Bob is a registered professional engineer in Arkansas and Louisiana.

He is married to Lisa Brown Poag (M.S.Ch.E.1987) and has a son, Alex, who is currently pursuing an engineering degree at the University of Arkansas.  In his spare time, Bob bird hunts and fishes.

Arkansas Academy of Chemical Engineers, 2023.