Steve Strickland
Little Rock, Arkansas
BSChE 1979
MBA University of Arkansas at Little Rock
J.D. UALR School of Law
Steve Strickland has spent his career with Entergy Arkansas, the state’s largest electric utility, now serving as vice president for regulatory affairs. He joined Arkansas Power & Light Company, now Entergy Arkansas, in 1979 as a generation engineer, working in the design and development of the next generation of power plants, including integrated coal gasifi cation combined cycle plants, and in the evaluation of flue gas desulfurization systems for coal generating plants. Steve also has held management positions in various areas of the company, including industrial marketing, load forecasting, and economic development. He served for a time as executive assistant to the chairman of the board of Entergy Corporation at the New Orleans based parent company of Entergy Arkansas.
Arkansas Academy of Chemical Engineers, 2008