Thomas W Smith
Georgetown, South Carolina;
Fayetteville, AR
BSChE 1985
PhD 1995 Rice University
After completing his undergraduate degree, Dr. Smith worked for Exxon Chemical in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and Baytown, Texas, for six years. His primary work areas at Exxon included plant technical support, project design, and project planning, all in the Basic Chemicals area. Smith then returned to school at Rice University for doctoral studies. While in the chemical engineering department, his thesis work was in the biomedical area – study of cell adhesion. Smith is currently employed at ImmunoVision, Inc., where he has been since 1995. ImmunoVision is primarily a protein purification company that specializes in marker proteins and reagents for autoimmune and infectious disease diagnostics. He is responsible for development of new products and technical support for existing processes. Smith is a member of Alpha Chi Sigma fraternity and active in community activities such as Habitat for Humanity and youth sports. He is married to Tammy Smith, DVM, and has three children.
Arkansas Academy of Chemical Engineers, 2007.