BSChE 1997
After graduation, Tim joined Dow Chemical in Freeport, TX as a plant engineer. At Dow, he has worked in many different roles including Six Sigma, Improvement Engineer, Operations Leader, Production Leader, Site Logistics Leader, and Project Management. Currently, he works as a Global Project Technology Associate for Dow Plastics. In this role, he is responsible for development of the technology, development of the technical talent inside the technology, and leading several process control upgrade projects inside the technology. The University of Arkansas, College of Engineering presented Tim with its Early Career Award in 2015. Tim serves on the Ralph E. Martin Department of Chemical Engineering’s Industrial and Professional Advisory Council. Outside work, he served on the Board of Directors and as the Vice President for the Brazoria County Boys and Girls Club as well as President of St. Vincent DePaul Society at his local church. Tim is currently the Cub Master for a local Cub Scout Pack.
Arkansas Academy of Chemical Engineers, 2017.
Mr. Doolittle passed away September 11, 2020. He will be missed.