William S. Hlavacek
Los Alamos, NM
BSChE, University of Arkansas, 1989
MSChE, University of Michigan, 1991
PhD, University of Michigan, 1996
Dr. Hlavacek received his BSChE from the University of Arkansas in 1989. He subsequently received his MSChE and Ph.D. degrees in chemical engineering from the University of Michigan in 1991 and 1996. Hlavacek did postdoctoral work on modeling the effects of tissue reservoirs on within-host HIV dynamics under the influence of antiretroviral drug treatment with Dr. Alan S. Perelson at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Hlavacek is currently a scientist in the Theoretical Biology and Biophysics Group of the Theoretical Division at Los Alamos National Laboratory. He is also a research associate professor in the department of biology at the University of New Mexico. In addition, he is affiliated with the Center for Nonlinear Studies, the Center for Evolutionary and Theoretical Immunology, the Center for the Spatiotemporal Modeling of Cell Signaling, and the Hematological Malignancies Research Program at University of New Mexico’s Cancer Center. Hlavacek’s research focuses on the development of mathematical/computational models for cellular regulatory systems, particularly systems that play a role in immunity and/or cancer. He has over 15 years of experience in this area, beginning with his thesis work under Dr. Michael A. Savageau, which focused on understanding the design principles of genetic regulatory circuits in bacteria.
Arkansas Academy of Chemical Engineers, 2010.